Ben Serotta and Modomio
Sit back and relax a bit. I'm going to tell you a story. It's a little long, but trust me... The payoff at the end is totally worth it.
The blue tint is what got me... Inside, under the shop fluorescents, the tubes were almost black, but out in the sun, where the bike belonged, they *sparkled* metallic blue. The carbon tubes in my Serotta Ottrott ST were unlike anything I had ever seen before. They were perfect in their naked glory. There was no need to hide any imperfections under paint, because...
...there were no imperfections.
The carbon tubes were joined to shaped titanium lugs. The finish was impeccable. There wasn't a single drop of the clear coat from the carbon anywhere on the titanium. It was flawless.
And how did it ride?
It's been more than ten years, and I still have dreams about riding that bike.
My love affair with Serotta goes way back. I'd always wanted one. I'd watched my heroes Davis Phinney and Andy Hampsten do impossibly beautiful things on theirs. Ben built bikes for the best, most discriminating riders in the world, and now...
He had made one for me.
And it was a beautiful, beautiful relationship.
As a matter of fact I almost went to work for Ben once. I had been part of his trade show team, and my enthusiasm was evident. At the time Serotta had a one-of-a-kind carbon fiber factory in Poway, California. The front half of the building was a perfect place for a fit studio, and Ben offered it to me. My wife and I had just had our first child, and as much as I wanted to pick up everything and move out there, it simply wan't the right time.
Then we had our second child and life happened, and I had to sell my Serotta. I comforted myself with the knowledge that Ben was still out there making bikes. I could always get another one.
But then...
My friend Paraic McGlynn (who actually did work with Ben... more on that in a future blog post!) called and told me that Serotta had closed their doors.
Ben was no longer making bikes.
I have regretted selling my Ottrott ever since. The cycling community let out a collective gasp, and Serotta owners worldwide took their bikes out on long rides in Ben's honor. It was a sad moment in cycling history.
But don't worry. The story get's better.
Way better.
You see, Paraic sent me an email the other day. He had just gotten off the phone with Ben, and guess what?
That's right! Ben is back making bikes again! His new company is called Modomio! ("Modo Mio" translates to "my way" in Italian.)
(photos by Danny Goodwin)
Let me say that again.
But wait! It gets even better! Cyclologic is very proud to announce that we are one of only four shops in the world that can offer you one of these bikes.
They are made one at a time, and are as perfect and flawless as anything Ben has ever made. We are so excited to be able to be a part of Ben's return, and can't wait to see the amazing creations he comes up with.
For more information, please give us a call. We'd love to talk to you about creating your very own, one of a kind masterpiece made by the man himself.
Welcome back Ben. We have missed you more than you'll ever know.
Check this out! It's Cyclologic's own Paraic McGlynn back when he was the head of the Serotta Fit School! Stay tuned for a blog post by Paraic about his time working with Ben.