Custom EVERYTHING! — Cyclologic


The good guys and gals at Parlee just posted this picture up on their Instagram account.

Words fail me. There is so much about this bike that I love. Where do I begin...

Lets start with the obvious. That paint! Holy smokes! No stickers on that frame! The masking and attention to detail is stunning.

And then there are the tires, and the hoods, and the pedals... All carefully chosen to compliment the frame. It is all so well thought out!

Did you know that Cyclologic builds bikes like this all the time? It's true. We can customize anything and everything about your dream ride. From the materials and the geometry to the paint and the accessories. We can do it all. 

Our staff are experts at making sure that everything about your next bike is exactly how you want it. Dream big. Challenge us. We will make sure that everything works, and looks, perfect. We are so passionate about building you your perfect ride, that we even have a dedicated area of the store for us to sit down together and plan things out. 

Call us today and schedule some time. We will show you all of the options, let you know which products work best together, which ones to avoid, and most importantly, which ones are most suited for the way you ride.

Your dream bike is waiting for you... 

